Auto ShutDown when no charge
FIRST App that *shutdowns your Smartphone when electric signal (USB or charger) is cut off* or cable unplugged.This is useful: - Ideal for "Auto Boot …
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Belter Official App
Belter are an immensely hard-working and ambitious new band from Glasgow, who in a very short space of time have gone from strength to strength, bring …
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Count Your Expenses
Count Your Expenses is application where you can calculate the expenses that you have suffered the making some projects such as house renovation, holi …
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Natalia Pipkina
Natalia Pipkina – russisk fotograf fra Sankt-Petersburg som bor nå i Kolbotn(Norge). Hun er utdannet jurist, men er kunstner i sjela – fant sin nisje …
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gebrüder götz
Mit diesem Slogan überzeugt der Schuhversand aus Würzburg Groß und Klein sowie Alt und Jung seit über 75 Jahren. Das Online-Sortiment erstreckt sich ü …
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