Make fun with your friends!Let them choose any two digit number, add together both digits and then subtract the total from your original number. Let t …
Prepara el exámen BIR (Biólogo Interno Residente) con éxito gracias a esta completa y robusta aplicación.La aplicación se completará poco a poco y sie …
Marnoba es una aplicación móvil para la caracterización de las basuras marinas en las playas del litoral español para facilitar la colaboración de los …
WavePhitech permet un accès, à partir d'un iPhone, aux informations discrètes diffusées par les balises Phitech, de la même façon qu'avec la télécomma …
A aplicação Wave Maps permite aos subscritores deste software aceder às funcionalidades de localização da frota através de dispositivos móveis iPad ou …
WattStation Connect for Installers provides WattStation installers with a convenient interface for provisioning a WattStation. Enjoy the following fea …
WattStation Connect provides Electric Vehicle (EV) drivers with the ability to locate GE WattStations, initiate EV charging sessions and manage EV pay …
MarmolettiAR is Augmented reality app of a interactive brochure that contains a virtual showroom of marble applications. This app works as complement …
Watkins Mobile is a Track and Trace application created by International Online for Watkins and Sole Transport Ltd of Gallymead Road, Slough, SL3 0EN, …