This application is avaliable in Slovenian language.English:With aplication we find the nearest ATM machine in Slovenia and check, what can we do on t …
Physical fitness comprises two related concepts: general fitness (a state of health and well-being), and specific fitness (a task-oriented definition …
GeoFarma permette di localizzare sulla mappa le farmacie più vicine alla propria posizione e di visualizzare i dettagli, la distanza e il percorso.Geo …
Do you want to take care of your skin or hair without using any unnatural ingredients and products? New Beauty is all you need! New Beauty tips and tr …
Discover the Secrets to Strengthen Your Body, Stay in Shape, Improve Your Overall Well-Being, Effectively Stop Aging Process, and Most Importantly, Li …
Басни известных и начинающих авторов.Известные авторы:• Жан де Лафонтен, Иван Крылов, Леонардо да Винчи, Сант Такар Сингх, Сергей Михалков, ЭзопНачина …
Большая и великолепная коллекция советских и старорусских плакатов, которые Вы можете сохранить у себя на телефоне и отправить по e-mail или MMS своим …