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Turn the light onTurn the light offJust touch to catch your lightJust touch touch touchCrazy enough to die.Have fun !Gameplay:- Switch on when the lig …
Many fish are jumping so hard!Let's catch them with Tamo netThe fish that has been caught will be swimming in their own seaHow to play:Let's tap and c …
TouchGEN.com presents the first full issue of TouchGEN Magazine, bringing the experience of a print-style gaming magazine to your iPad. Thanks to thos …
Welcome to the second issue of TouchGEN Magazine, bringing the experience of a print-style gaming magazine to your iPad. Inside issue 2: the retro edi …
Wake up each day with the latest news, weather and traffic from your Channel 9 Eyewitness News team. Customizable alarm clock settings let you wake up …
Launch Sales! Completely Free!Touch2ZeroUniversal App, Play on all your devices.==============================The game is simple. Just press the butto …