迎接新生命是人生中最開心的事,但是孕媽咪或是爸爸可能因為沒經驗或是沒時間,常常手忙腳亂。「孕媽咪採購計畫」是一個方便實用的App,針對孕媽咪,還有寶寶所需之物品,包含食、衣、住、行等各個面項,完整清楚的整理出採購清單,內容具細靡遺,讓您不用到處蒐集相關資料;同時也列出媽媽待產包的清單(Check l …
Test your hearing and keep it under control.Humans can generally hear sounds with frequencies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz (hearing range) although thi …
Your dog can hear higher frequency sounds than humans, this is why dog whistles are commonly used for training.Teach your dog the desired behavior by …
You know that usually your dog can hear much better than you. But is it always so? Is your dog healthy?Now you can check how well your dog can hear di …
BMI calculator will tell you how much in shape you are. It will calculate your BMI and tell you the truth about your weight.You may be in better shape …