Dark Parables: Briar Full
1000 years ago, Sleeping Beauty was kissed by a prince, which removed a terrible curse from the kingdom. The rampant briars were held at bay, but the …
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動態桌布是耗記憶體的元兇,出門在外電池非常珍貴,不該開動態桌布.這個app是採用靜態方式的桌布.精選 高畫質之 台灣 宜蘭 仁山植物園 內花花草草.共24張高解析桌布/壁紙.賞心悅目護眼~保護眼睛為主打功能之桌布.按一下"設定成桌布"即可自動設定成桌布背景.宜蘭 仁山植物園的前身是一個造林苗圃,早期 …
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ShatterBall Lite
Attention iOS 8 Users! There is a bug that causes ShatterBall to crash on iOS 8. We are working on a fix.Super easy to learn and crazy fun to Play! Sh …
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The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri (May/June c.1265 – September 14, 1321), commonly known as Dante, was an Italian poet of the Middle Ages. In Italy he is known as "the …
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Sopa de Letrinhas Lite
Quem já não tentou formar palavras na borda de um prato de sopa de letrinhas? O jogo Sopa de Letrinhas transforma essa brincadeira em um jogo divertid …
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Ever wanted to play with fire? Here's your chance! Device your own chromatic fireworks show. Use your tweaking tools, your ipod music, and the lively …
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So, you're considering buying VoxAnimalia but just aren't sure yet? Then rest your weary head and let VoxAnimalite convince you! VoxAnimalite is a ful …
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Régions et Départements de France est une application destinée à vous permettre de retrouver rapidement des informations tels que la préfecture, la po …
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Halloween Town Monster Maker
The Halloween Town Monster Maker lets you change yourself, your friends, and your loved ones into hideous creatures, using special effects makeups cre …
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