电影大猜想 完整版 Guess The Movie Full是一款猜电影名字的游戏。如果你是一个资深电影迷,请不要错过它;如果你阅片无数,也请不要错过它,这可是检验咱是否是个细腻观影者和丰富联想者甚至是装资深影迷的利器。游戏共有五个等级,在尚未猜出所有当前等级的电影名称之前你不能解锁下一个等级。游戏 …
AnyHome提供類似iPhone的操作方式,讓你用手指滑過畫面就可輕易地回到Home! 也可快速地回到上一個你剛離開的App!Any time, Any place, just slide your finger to get back to Android Home or previous AP …
Imaging you put some real sand on your loved Apple device and start playing with it. That is exactly what TouchSand application is doing but only with …
This is a 3D application of new touch number the world's first.You can play just tap and swipe.Please tap in order to 0-26.Block will disappear when y …
◇ Touch N Fly ◇Fly your waySimple one touch game playGame Features• Unlock new Levels!• Fly square!• Just One Button!• Challenge your limits!• Use Gra …
Finally a Game for everyone! The concept is simple Touch and Hold a Button for as long as you can. Yep that's all there is to it. An active Leaderboar …
Touch Memory is a simple memory game with four push buttons. The game shows you an increasingly long sequence by lighting up buttons and playing tones …