OAuth Instagram connect Demo
This is a demo app showing how we can use Volley to load network images retrieved from a Json response from instagram's webserice API here --->htt …
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NFC StickMan share your apps
Introducing an easy and fun way to share the apps on your phone. Let StickMan share your apps for you. Stickman will use NFC's Android Beam (or S- …
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Massive communication lookup
It allows you to enter in a large list of twitter user account names at once and retrieve the most recent tweets from Twitter.com . Rotate the device …
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Child-Proof Drawing
Allow kids to draw with no access to phone. Kids can draw on a canvas without access to your phones features.Introducing an easy way to keep your chil …
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Bluetooth Broadcasting tool
BT BROADCASTER is a great way to make friends nearby. Ever wanted to approach someone within 30 feet of you but never had the confidence. Now you dont …
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