A business plan is an essential document for anyone commencing a new business, already in business and critical for anyone seeking funding from a vent …
Strategic planning has been widely publicized during the last decade, but what has been accomplished by this management activity in smaller, high-grow …
أحيانا نحس بحالة من الحزن وادبار قلوبنا عن اذكر فتأتينا كلمات توقظ فينا احساس الحب لله واستشعار عظمته سبحانه وتعالى تدرك فيها انك ابتعدت ولكن كلمة سمع …
iMpulsify has been overhauled. Not only has the Kit Kat crashing issue been fixed, we have listened to your feedback and revamped the UI. Most notibly …
Seamlessly convert HEX bytes to Binary, ASCII and Decimal value.When the screen is filled you can scroll the HEX data row to view all your data.All A- …
This simple-to-use flashlight has the same feature of a regular flashlight - ON and OFF. No tricks and complicated features, just a clear and simple u …
AUDIO GUIDE - VAN GOGH GALLERY The Appstone now introducing this app is the Van Gogh’s virtual gallery with audio guide. This is the first art series …
모딜리아니의 작품 90여점과,모딜리아니의 생애를 소개하는 오디오 가이드를 제공합니다.모딜리아니의 작품이 가득한 미술관에 온 듯한 느낌을 받을 수 있습니다.아메데오 모딜리아니의 불꽃같은 인생과 작품을 온몸으로 느껴보세요.----개발자 연락처 :000-000-0000big …
The Appstone now introducing this app is the Gauguin’s virtual gallery with audio guide. Audio Guide series are designed like gallery tour with quarto …
★나뭇잎! 앱을 만나다 국내 최고의 요리앱 "스토리쿡"의 풀버전 애플리케이션이 출시되었습니다.요리앱의 자존심 "스토리쿡"!! 주방의 풍경을 바꾸다!! ※MBN(매일경제)TV ! 애플리쇼에 방송된 바로 그 애플리케이션 스토리쿡입니다! ■ 모든 요리를 동영상과 음성으로 설 …