《死亡日记 Redrum Dead Diary》是一款冒险解谜游戏。一些人惨遭杀害,他们不但没有完成生前未竟的心愿,夺取他们性命的凶手也逍遥法外。小玫能够看到这些可怜的人的鬼魂,她把她看到的一切告诉了她的父亲,可她的父亲却不相信,并本着他一贯超级务实的态度,把小玫送进了精神病院。就这样,小玫落入了邪 …
Want to be super doctor?? Here is the perfect opportunity... Our cute adorable kids were playing and by mistake they had eaten something erroneous. No …
Fire vs Ice is a reflex based game requiring players to control either fire, or ice. Players control paddles based on either fire, or ice. They must f …