Death Zone
It started as flue but now whole World is infected by a Virus. Humans are either dead or converted to zombies who rule the cities now. As the only su …
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Death Zone
You are being attacked by aggressive red thingys. Try to stay alive for as long as you can.The difficulty increases as you make progress in the game.F …
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闪记-笔记神器 世界杯日历 赛程记事助手 最好用的免费笔记
用笔记事乃人类千年记事习惯,如一款应用能替代纸笔,多方便!神指“闪记”完美创新:一键置顶、任意拖动排序、四向滑动、秒开提醒、手写涂鸦、语音转文字、语音记事、一键拍照、富文本、日程规划、待办事宜、云备份、密码锁等好用功能,用真心赢用户! 新版"闪记"的多向指划手势更加方便快捷,记事效率远超众多功能繁琐 …
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Rube Works: The Official Rube Goldberg Invention G
“THIS APP IS AMAZING AND RICH ON SO MANY LEVELS.” —NSTA Recommends (National Science Teachers Association) http://bit.ly/1dJbzpy The first and only of …
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