NCLEX RN Mnemonics
NCLEX-RN/Nursing Mnemonics provides you with clever acronyms, stories, and memory tricks, on your fingertips. Subjects range from Nursing, Anatomy, Ph …
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口袋妖怪之极光石 中文版
游戏介绍: 在现代社会中,并存着人类和口袋妖怪。人类与它们和谐相处,并且有许多和口袋妖怪有关的职业,像培育师、训练师等。口袋妖怪们平时可以被缩小收入一个叫做精灵球的球内,被训练师带在身上或放在口袋中,口袋妖怪因此得名。故事的主角是一名口袋妖怪训练师,以成为一名最好的训练师为目标,踏上了与其他训练师切 …
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Movies Actors
Are you a movie buff? How many movies can you guess?Put your movie guessing skills to the test with this fun movie quiz. You are presented with a movi …
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