전문 메이크업 아티스트이자 프랑스 파리에 위치한 아뜰리에 메이크업 인터내셔널의 설립자이자 원장이기도 한 헬렌뀌르가 다년간 풍부한 현장경험을 바탕으로 피부색깔에 따른 제품들, 피부 상태에 따른 제품들, 모든 경우에 따라 각기 다르게 사용할 수 있는 제품 개발에 주력, 프 …
Kanuni i Leke Dukagjinit - The Code of Leke DukagjiniThis is the old Albanian Code of Leke DukagjiniAlbanian:Kanuni i Leke Dukagjinit eshte nje nga ko …
With the ACE Mobile Loads app¹ you can load money from checks to your ACE Elite™ Prepaid Debit Card just by taking photos of your check with a smartph …
Christmas Apps- Virtual Wishes with Real FeelingsPeople across the globe wait for Christmas with remarkable enthusiasm and excitement. Many people pla …
This File Manager allows you to manipulate files on your Android device and associated memory card. The file manager supports operations on either ind …
This scientific calculator offers the following facilities and features:o Works in Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimalo Degrees, Radians and Gradia …
SMS Radar is a convenient application that allows you to monitor the location of paired phones. It can be used for many purposes for instance, Child m …