As human being we have a tendecy of forgetting . This can range from variaties of stuff from forgetting to do specific task during a day or carrying s …
Even dwellers of the far away galaxies are toothy, and sometimes they have toothaches. Where should they go to? Welcome to Dentist Office In Space – t …
A simple RPG designed for all ages. Hunt for wild game, mine for various minerals, and fight the beasts that plague the land. This game is the free ve …
A fun and educational app for children between the age of 0-4 years.4 different images are shown and a sound is played. When the child taps the correc …
FINAL FANTASY(ファイナルファンタジー)の世界から登場敵キャラに関する問題をクイズで出題します。歴代では様々な敵のモンスターやキャラクターが存在し物語を彩ってきました。FFの世界で活躍してきた主人公に負けず劣らず個性あるモンスターや寝返った味方など怪物だけでなく人間の敵も登場しました。 …