7Headlines 一眼看盡天下事!7Headlines 是華人市場上第一個「個人化社群閱讀平台」讓您可以隨時隨地的看到最新、最熱門的資訊,不論是寵物、3C、正妹...都可透過頻道輕鬆訂閱!7Headlines 主要功能我的頻道 - 可以依照自己的興趣訂閱頻道內容。稍候閱讀 - 把沒有時間看的文章 …
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The Gordon Daily
The Gordon Daily smartphone application is brought to you by Gordon Tafe and provides students with the ultimate way in which to interact with student …
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Trivia Scavenger Hunt
Trivia Scavenger Hunt allows a group leader, teacher or anyone to create a free scavenger hunt that they can use to help students or anyone learn more …
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Calc for func v3.1
Calc for func v3.1 is a free, easier to learn and use scientific calculator.Calc for func includes the following features:- unlimited number of variab …
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