If you are a real fan of National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel and pictures of wild nature, then you’ll definitely like Geographic Photo Of T …
Need a virtual squeeze ball? Then PissOMeter is for you. Pick what you are Pissed (or happy) about and enter it. Then you can adjust the bar to reflec …
De lading van 0..100% van de batterij altijd mooi bovenaan in beeld. UNIEK IN DE WERELD: dit is de ENIGE APP TER WERELD die zelf geen stroom verbruikt …
Make use of the barometer in your smartphone.Many new Android devices are now equipped with digital barometers to lower the time to first fix (TTFF) f …
The height of trees etc. is measured. It is carrying out based on basic height (160 cm). Change is possible from a menu. It uses, and first, aim at th …
This application will aid the conversion of scales. Very useful for architects, designers, artists and others.Will completely replace the use of scali …