Everyday English Quiz!Everyday English Quiz provide various kinds of quizzes by O/X choice quiz and Multi-Choice quiz.for each of users that has diffe …
AviWeather is a simple weather application with clean user interface geared towards Aviators.AviWeather retrieves METAR information using single or mu …
¡Entrena tu memoria! Juega al famoso Simon Says (Simón Dice) y diviértete entrenando tu memoria.Simon Says inicia al tocar el botón naranja en la part …
Dibugrama es un juego desarrollado por Globant Labs (http://labs.globant.com) para el proyecto DANE (http://www.proyectodane.org) que busca estimular …
The leading tertiary care hospital in Asia. Ananthapuri Hospitals is the best in its field owing to its remarkable panel of eminent doctors. They incl …
How many times have you driven around for weeks with a tail light out before you noticed?Padiddle! is a social car game mixed with being able to commu …
See the Web as it used to be! The Memento Browser is a web browser that allows you to see old versions of web pages. When you are viewing a web page, …
Харьков 1562 – мобильная часть комплексного программного решения управлениякачеством предоставления жилищно-коммунальных услуг города Харькова,позволя …