FJ Toolkit is an aviation tool designed to assist CX and KA aircrew in performing common tasks. Features:--Duty Calculator--Normal Flight Duty Period …
Introducing Francois LubbeAre you working longer hours than you want to or ever thought you would be Do you want to regain the vision and dream that l …
Découvrez ou re-découvrez les plus grands proverbes arabes ! Plusieurs centaines de phrases à méditer :)Profiter de cette application simple et agréab …
Discover great chinese sayings! Hundreds of sentences to meditate :)Featured in this app:- Hundreds of chinese sayings- Share quotes by email- Easy to …
Gratuit : 40 images très haute résolution (Retina x 2)Dernier titre publié : LES PLUS BEAUX MONSTRES ET CREATURES FANTASTIQUES.Cette application kiosq …
● 100 images très haute résolution : Retina x2●Laissez-vous charmer par les plus beaux chats de l’histoire de l’art ! Un recueil de 100 œuvres (peintu …
The Fusion TTA Planner app is used as an aid in the pre-operative planning process for Tibial Tuberosity Advancement surgery. The user uploads a pre-o …