키즈사랑안전지킴이-유치원 어린이집 태권도장 학원
교육의 선진화와 어린이의 안전을 위하여 eCNN교육방송에서 제작하여 보급하는 유치원,어린이집 스마트폰 어플리케이션 사용으로 학부모와 원과의 원할한 소통으로 신뢰도를 높여줍니다.주요 기능 (1) 원소개 - 인사말, 교육안내, 원현황 (2) 소식알리미 - 공지사항, 가정통 …
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Happy Matchy Bird
Tired of those bird games yet? Sick of gem-swapping? So are we! So we COMBINED THEM!What is this Frankenstein of a game you ask? Why it’s HAPPY MATCHY …
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Indian Blood Donors
The Indian Blood Donors Mobile App helps needy patients search for blood donors in their city or area. If you are a Blood Donor you can sign up as a b …
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Die App der Blutspendezentren Duisburg, Oberhausen, Gelsenkirchen und Wuppertal. Statistiken,Terminvereinbarung und erinnerung. Spende Blut. Fühl Dic …
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Polar Bear Adventures
When the polar bear Angatyr went to sleep by the sea he expected to wake up at the same place. When he woke up he was on a iceberg in the middle of th …
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