Alchemist is a ultimate time killer and brain training game.Find three gems with same runes and transform them into gold! When you get a match the gem …
"The Alchemist" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft, written in 1908, when Lovecraft was 17 or 18, and first published in the November 1916 issue of t …
The greatest of English dramatists except Shakespeare, the first literary dictator and poet-laureate, a writer of verse, prose, satire, and criticism …
Bumpy was a big star in video games, back in the day. Now, you’re kicking some serious butt with the wildly amped up version on your iPhone or iPod To …
Chrome Wars Arena is a turn-based fighting game in which vicious robots fight for dominance in the Chrome Wars Tournament. The game offers 6 arenas in …
Selle määraja abil saab kindlaks teha, millised puud ja põõsad kasvavad Eesti metsades, puisniitudel, parkides või aedades. Määraja sisaldab ligi 140 …