Die Firma „HSK Kunststoff Schweisstechnik GmbH“ in Bad Honnef (vorher in Siegburg) ist einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Kunststoffschweissg …
This ad-free program contains all the vocabulary for the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) level 1 (242 words, comprised of 174 characters – each available …
Este es un programa didáctico desarrollado por el Instituto Confucio de la Universitat de València (España), que permite preparar el examen oficial de …
Списки слов для HSK на Daostory. http://daostory.com/spiski-slov-dlya-hsk/спросил - разрешили - выкладываю. не забываем писать отзывы и ставить оценки …
* HSK-APP is a practical tool to prepare for your HSK, the official Chinese Government’s Language Proficiency Test.* HSK-APP is an educational game to …
Este es un programa didáctico desarrollado por el Instituto Confucio de la Universitat de València (España), que permite preparar el examen oficial de …
This app is now fully personalized. You can now keep trace of every single places you have visited or plan to visit Anywhere and Anytime. And you can …
LocalHero is a mobile app for you to search for products and services near you whenever, wherever you need them. I'm sure you have experienced a situa …
Com o aplicativo da Localcard, você e toda sua família passam a ter acesso a descontos, vantagens e ofertas que só o Cartão Virtual Localcard pode lhe …