Akhil Bhartiya Terapanth Yuvak Parishad (ABTYP) is a youth forum that unites the Terapanth youth from age of 21 to 45 years the world over. The fromat …
This app provides knowledge about the hereditary blood types of your child. It also gives you knowledge about to which blood group you can donate and …
LetsNurture has once again ventured into social work domain and has come out with a blood donor android application for the users. This new applicatio …
DescriptionThe Life Saver System (LSS) will provide a facility to needy people of blood, contact of blood donor of the desired group in their area eve …
《殖民者与印第安之战 Colonies vs Indians》是一款在线模拟经营类游戏。故事发生在18世纪初,某势力准备入侵印第安当地人的领地。他们想得到一片新的天地,来建立横跨大陆的帝国。你是想要带领入侵势力来建立起一个新的殖民地国家呢,还是率领你勇敢的战士来保护你祖先的土地呢?这取决于你!免費玩 …