基督教電台 - 熱播美國廣播電台音樂(64 電台)提供下列電台:****** Most Popular ******Contemporary Christian-SKY.FMWord of Truth Acoustic PraiseAbidingRadio Instrumental1-ONE GOS …
Sms billetter er rigtig smarte, men hvis man sjældent bruger dem glemmer man nemt hvilken tekst man skal sende, og til hvilket nummer. SmsBillet hjælp …
Iced In is a follow up to the widely popular Boxed In & Boxed In 2 games for the iPhone & iPod touch that have been enjoyed by millions of people. Whe …
Touch Typist Free is an addictive word game for the iPhone! You are given a six-letter typewriter, and your job is to find all the words you can make …
九龍麻雀此為100﹪純本地創作,13張廣東牌4人麻雀。電腦會做混一色或清一色,不會食細牌。此外,電腦作風比較進取,甚少扣牌,一般不會棄胡。所以常有四家俱九張落地,或十二張單吊。本iPhone麻雀遊戲希望能做到真正模擬香港麻雀之感覺,希望能為大家帶來一份文化認同。This is a 13-tile M …