Bitstrips的玩法很简单,是让用户按自己或朋友的外貌、特征,拼出一个代表自己的卡通公仔,并可将漫画公仔应用在不同的场景,画出日常生活细节,甚至可以用公仔表达自己的心情;而公仔及漫画亦可即时分享至Facebook与好友分享。 需注意的是目前该应用仅支持Facebook登陆,后期将会开发账号注册以 …
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Galaxy Alert Red Alert
Galaxy Alert (Red Alert alike) is a combination of the tower defense and real-time strategy video game developed and published by DivMob. To assure vi …
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Galaxy Alert Red Alert
Galaxy Alert (Red Alert alike) is a combination of the tower defense and real-time strategy video game developed and published by DivMob. To assure vi …
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Red Alert Navigation
Using the RedAlert software by Alpine. This software takes the SMS updates and extrapolates the address. Using the given address it will create a noti …
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