Emit a high pitched sound that your dog will hear but you wont. Adjustable frequency to find the sound that your dog responds to best.No need to buy e …
This dog whistle has 8 different frequencies within the range of 12kHz to 56kHz(12kHz, 24kHz, 32kHz, 36kHz, 40kHz, 44kHz, 52kHz, and 56kHz).The range …
KITAB HISNUL MUSLIMKumpulan Doa dan Dzikir Dari Al Quran dan As SunnahSaid bin Ali Al QathaniAllah Ta’ala berfirman:“Karena itu, ingatlah kamu kepadaK …
Ekeko LiveWallpaper: Ekeko is a doll which decorate with a festival of Bolivia.Latest tradition has the Ekeko "smoke" a lit cigarette once a year to e …
Bored with your phone’s basic lock screen template?Try Joy Slider and customize your lock screen with your own favorite design!With Joy slider, you’ll …