DDOO-C Pink Kakaotalk theme* This theme is only available for Kakao Talk.Please install Kakao Talk first in Google Play.* How to apply the theme:Once …
Gym Tracker allows you to keep track of all of the weights for each machine in the gym. All previous weights are kept in a database on the phone. You …
SAMSUNG Galaxy S5 카카오톡 테마 made from LIGHTNING------------1) 안드로이드 Kitkat 4.4.2 버전에서 원활한 구동 확인하였습니다.2) 카카오톡 Ver.4.0 이상 버전 사용을 권장합니다.3) xhdpi 아이콘으로 제작하였 …
SongMemo is a multitrack audio recorder (4 track like) for the Android platform. A new idea for a song? Register your music instantly, so you can reme …