This is simple camera that can take a picture with the layer. You can choose your favorite image to a layer. This is silent camera but There may be so …
《守护地球 Save the Planet Earth》是一款有趣的防卫地球的游戏 。大量的小行星即将撞击到地球啦!作为几个大国,都必须得拿出自己拿手的东西。美国的武器是快速并点对点的导弹,俄罗斯的导弹击中目标后会爆炸,而我大天朝的武器是造成一个黑洞,将小行星吸进去。看看谁的武器有威力又实用呢~~免 …
拯救地球是一款休闲游戏。These are dark times for the people on our planet. Tons of Coloroids are heading towards planet Earth and will try to destroy it! Luckily …