SOS 緊急求救器讓你在緊急的時候,例如行山時發生意外,或在森林、戶外地方迷路時,讓你按一鍵便能快速發緊急訊息及致電到你指定的聯絡人!✔你可自行設定致電和發訊息的目標聯絡人✔你可自行撰寫訊息的內容⚠ 注意事項:SOS 緊急求救器設有致電和發訊息的功能因此可能須要就電訊商費用收費FAQ:為何此應用程式 …
-- INCREDIBLE NEW GRAPHICS & BONUS GAME INSIDE --Christmas theme for a big classic of the casinos : the Christmas Blackjack !Ideal to test your skills …
With Preachers' Trainer app, you have access to various tools that will help you out with your pastoral responsibilities. Plus, you get access to inst …