***** UNO & Friends:樂趣無界限! 全世界最受歡迎的紙牌遊戲 UNO 為你帶來全新免費的社交體驗! 與親朋好友及全世界數百萬的粉絲一起玩 UNO,從來不曾如此簡單!加入世界最大的免費線上手機遊戲社群之一,盡情享受全新的免費多人遊戲體驗及樂趣、競爭激烈的排行榜及有趣的自訂選項,讓你 …
UNO - "Șeptică Americană" is an American card game which can be played from a young age. Is a board game, easy to play with very simple rules, develop …
Xue allows you to create different "lessons" of Chinese vocabulary. Each lesson can contain several Chinese words, with related pinyin, translation an …
Say Something is a voice controlled “Cartoon Animation” which you can use our special character to record your own voice presenting any message you wo …
Saybubble is a free app that lets you connect with cities that you love.Tell the world what is going on in your city as it happens. This includes anyt …