AA Recovery App gives you access to the 12 Steps from Alcoholic Anonymous.Features:AA Twelve StepsAA Twelve TraditionsAA Twelve PromisesAA Big BookAA …
AA Calculator Version 1.0.0When finished eating with friends, during checkout, do you know how much each of you have to pay for each respective meal? …
Seit 1989 bereichert der gebürtige Linzer Stefan Gaugusch (42) mit seinem Kasperl & Co-Team das heimische Kinderfernsehen. Zahlreiche Puppenfilme und …
*** ATTENTION! HIGHLY INFECTIOUS MATERIAL! ***Those crazy Baktos are on the loose! Restore order to the test tube and make sure that all experiments a …
*** FREE EDITON OF THE HIGHLY INFECTIOUS BAKTO GAME! ***Those crazy Baktos are on the loose! Restore order to the test tube and make sure that all exp …