Pirate Clickers
海盜答題 - 準備自己成千上萬的樂趣和喜悅小時!這是一個非常簡單和上癮的遊戲,你是一個殭屍海盜的船漂泊在海上。你有一個使命通過點擊殭屍海盜船收集盡可能多的大腦越好。當你有足夠的大腦收集,拜訪了中國人在商店購買升級為船舶和賺更多的腦筋。這將讓你更動腦筋,多,多的。 海盜答題器是一個永無止境的遊戲,你可 …
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Coinbox Clicker
Kill time during your idle moments with Coinbox Clicker! Use your coins to purchase upgrades to get more money, purchase more upgrades...get EVEN MORE …
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Donut Clicker
Love donuts? Tap on the giant donut to bake as many donuts as you can. Join other players from your country and compete with other countries in baking …
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Space Clicker
Space Clicker is a fun mix of a clicker, with a lot of upgrades, and a space shooter. The aliens will come to steal your money and prevent your space …
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Diamond Clicker
The game is very simple:• Gain as many diamonds as you can by clicking on a Dig! button as fast as you can.• As soon as you have enough diamonds, visi …
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