一個真正的所有功能於一體的多功能集成和管理您的手機(谷歌日曆,Outlook日曆,等等),一個To Do列表/任務列表上的所有同步日曆的日曆應用程序(Checkmark To Do List Task List Manager),所有的聯繫與生日週年日期的定義,十二生肖日曆顯示屬相和他們的特徵和月相 …
Someone save the city...!!! The City has fallen and it's up to you to save different regions. Use different tools to help them to save the day, and vi …
Are you ready to open your first restaurant? Grab your apron and chef's hat and let's open your restaurant. As you are restaurant star challenge your …
How many goals can you help Cristiano Ronaldo score in Football Championship? Score as many goals as you can to help Cristiano Ronaldo get bronze, sil …