名人智慧錄 - 名人名言語錄
每天花一分鐘看前人竭盡一生智慧所寫出來的話語,對於您的工作、學習和人生各個面向都將有莫大的幫助。雖然有時候一句話只是聽過就忘了,但有時候卻會成為引導您一生邁向成功的話語~本程式只蒐集最經典之名言佳句,讓您的生活每天都可多些刺激與體悟。此外,在婚喪喜慶時也可挑選適合之話語贈送給親戚朋友們,讓周遭的人也 …
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XingBook - Why I am a girl
【欢庆六一,宝宝童书联合限免】专注iPad精品童书推荐&限免,欢迎下载▶宝宝童书 HD◀!Why am I a girl? Why can’t I pee standing up? Why can’t I allow others to touch my privacy parts? What is …
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XingBook- Where I come from
“Mom and dad, where do I come from?”Almost every parent encounters this kind of question, and there is no easy answer, because when parents hear this …
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XingBook- Why I am a boy
★星宝书六一特惠,5.28-6.8期间本书限免,祝天下孩子儿童节快乐!【欢庆六一,宝宝童书联合限免】专注iPad精品童书推荐&限免,欢迎下载▶宝宝童书 HD◀!Why am I a boy? Why c can’t wear dresses? Why mother’s breasts are big …
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