电子计算机代替人工记账、算账和报账,以及部分代替人脑完成对会计信息的分析、预测、决策的过程,其目的是提高企业财会管理水平和经济效益,从而实现会计工作的现代化。该应用主要是会计电算化的分解,涵盖知识点的分析、模拟题、专项练习题库等内容,方便考生们查阅,以便掌握更多的知识。免費玩最新英语考研写作秘笈 A …
Writing paper on your Android device! TeX Writer lets you write, compile and preview TeX documents right on your tablet or smartphone, and no interne …
Use this as a reference tool to find examples of MLA Style citations often required in research papers and other school-related projects. It also incl …
MLA Generator helps create in-text citations and references for Modern Language Association (MLA) format 7th edition essays.==================FEATURES …
App (for smartphones & tablets) for helping kids to learn basic things like abc, colors, numbers, and now counting... in an easy and funny way! ...and …
Mobiele toegang tot de website www.kloosterwittem.nl met alle actuele informatie, incl. twitter, facebook en youtube.NB. Deze app is nog in de testfas …