VirtCello v2 (c) PGBapps, is an app for emulating the Cello. This Cello is a musical instrument with a twist. Use of orientation sensor and a tilt of …
Partez à la découverte de vous-même et de votre interaction avec les autres. Testez vos copains et copines, amis et amies, vos collègues, vos parents …
The latest 15th amendment is here.This application is developed with the latest 15th amendment and also in Bangla language.The Constitution of Banglad …
What is more interesting than Macaron Dessert is Macaron Dessert 2! While the previous version encourages users make their own macaron by themselves, …
Be a talented Jelly maker in Jelly Maker-Mania Splash In this app, you will be acting as a professional jelly maker. You will be having a fresh and fu …
Everybody loves cookies. But how many of you often makes cookies? Well, for those who say "not enough time" or "too lazy to prepare all tools and ingr …
Burger Shop-Sky Stack! Yummy! Welcome to Burger Shop-Sky Stack! This is a game app which enables you to DIY your own hamburger. No matter what kind of …
Bakery Shop - Cake Story is a new cooking game. In this game, you are the owner of bakery shop and you have to beautiful cakes and decorate with it. S …
How mutch do you know about ironman? test your knowledge and try to see how many questions you can get right! Are you a Ironman fan lets find out!免費玩I …
Auskalo, Euskara ikasi edo hobetzeko modu berri eta desberdin bat da. Euskara maila guztientzat zuzenduta dago, zailtasun ezberdinak eskaintzen bai di …