New features have been released to smartphone app "ANA" 1) Mobile boarding pass - “Save to the app” button placed on the confirmation screen. -Next fl …
Aeroflot presents new options. The official mobile application allows you to use the following services : - Tickets searching and booking - Check in f …
The scanner can recognize the bar code information and search for it on the Internet. You can also save the decoded information and look for it later. …
CI Mobile 是一套快速而簡便的行動網路工具,只要一機在手、即可通行無阻地獲取由中華航空提供的即時性訊息,為商旅人士在行程規劃或旅途中不可或缺的旅遊工具。CI Mobile 服務包含:* 訂位購票:輸入出發地、目的地站,人數(成人,孩童),來回(單程),出發、回程日期,艙等,選擇預搭乘班號,選 …