This unique free application is for all students of Advanced Database Management across the world. It covers 133 topics of Advanced Database Managemen …
As 28 Crenças Fundamentais da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia, apresentadas em resumo. É apenas referida a ideia principal e é acompanhada das referên …
Got stuck with a Chemistry problem and needing to see the periodic table? Do you need help in computing for molecular masses of compounds? Unaware of …
This Application provides a lot of information about your mobile, SIM card and network.Your phone information like IMEI number,Phone Type,Version,API …
InMoment SMS Mesenger is an app containing collections of well selected sms messages for occasions, ceremonies, events or activities such as Christmas …
Free, no ads, open source app with star charts and details for the 88 modern constellations. Star charts are from IAU and Sky & Telescope, detail info …
우리말 찾기는 국어사전에 나오는 표제어 547,690개를 단어검색, 와일드카드검색, 초성검색, 중성검색등 다양한 방법으로 찾아 볼 수 있는 어플입니다. 끝말잇기, 십자말풀이, 우리말겨루기, 어휘력향상, 작사, 시쓰기 등에 활용할 수 있습니다.와일드카드기호(%,_)검색지 …