荧光笔是近几年新出的做记号用的笔用较粗、较淡的墨水覆盖关键部位来做记号,做上记号后,被遮挡住的文字一目了然。最重要的作用是:用荧光笔做过记号的文件,在复印的时候,看不出曾经做过记号! A clean application for making notes when you are reading …
[SKB WebFAX란?]SK브로드밴드가 출시한 모바일 팩스로, 이제 스마트폰으로도 언제, 어디서나 팩스를 보내고 받을 수 있습니다.SK브로드밴드 웹팩스 사이트(http://webfax.skbroadband.com)에서만 되던 팩스 기능을 스마트폰으로도 사용 가능합니다 …
Deep sea cat and mouse survival game!No choice but to memorize English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean as your life will be dependent on knowing them.A …
Smart and modern in design, yet reassuringly unpretentious in attitude, Avianto Suites offer a relaxed retreat with magnificent views of the endless A …
Smart and modern in design, yet reassuringly unpretentious in attitude, Avianto Suites offer a relaxed retreat with magnificent views of the endless A …