UWAGA WYMAGANIA:- Połączenie z internetem- Syntezator mowy polskiej (np. Ivona - dostępny w Google Play)- Rozpoznawanie mowy Google w języku polskimDz …
Die Hunde App für Hundebesitzer und Hundefreunde Mit Dog’s Places, der neuen Hunde App, findest du auf einen Blick hundefreundliche Orte in Deiner Näh …
Rock School is a free, subscription-based application that takes music lessons to YOU and not the other way around! Each series of guitar, bass, and d …
The Gorokan Public School mobile app is custom built to serve the needs of our school community, by improving communication between the school and it& …
Delhi College of Engineering or DTU application is part of a broader initiative by LeoTaur to improve the mobile experience of DTU/DCE students. This …
iBetter Series 중 하나로서 전자공학 및 전기공학을 전공하는 학생들을 위해서 만들었습니다. 제작자가 직접 대학교 강의에 활용하고 있으며 계속적인 피드백을 통해 기능 개선 및 내용 추가가 이루어질 예정입니다. 저항값 구하기에서는 저항의 색띠를 선택하면 저항의 …