关于走多远算多远,每一次旅游对我来说,都是一个全新的探索。走在陌生的城市,探索每一条街道,小巷。看着形形色色的人们。感受着不同的地域,不同的人们完全不一样的生活方式。我拒绝少于15天走马观花的旅游。在一个陌生的国家我都要停留1个月以上,因为只有你先退去前1周的兴奋和激动,慢下来,才可以发现很多看不到 …
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Customer Experience Professionals Association CXPA
The Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) is a global non-profit organization positioned to guide and enhance the growing field of cust …
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Customer Invoice
If you're a small business owner or a freelancer, who wants to send invoices and estimates while you're on the job, Invoice is an easy to use app for …
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Customer Ledger
If you have a business and need a solution for tracking your income, expenses and their sources, summarize all the customer transactions and generate …
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