近期刷了百度云rom,很是喜欢百度云rom简约线条的UI。于是就从百度云rom提取了图标素材,用其制作成了微博皮肤!皮肤信息:皮肤名称:侧脸.简约线条素材来源:百度云rom for 华为C8812适用微博:3.0.5版本替换皮肤:青草绿皮肤作者:@侧脸AMYTHS皮肤介绍:1、图替换标全面为百度云r …
This quiz is designed to evaluate your vocabulary and by going through this quiz if you attempt the wrong answer it will give you an opportunity to co …
Susunan tafsir Al-Maaidah ini adalah penerbitan seterusnya selepas surah-surah yang telah diterbitkan, dan insyaAllah surah berikutnya akan menyusuli …
If you want to check if you know everything about animals do try this quiz. Its a collection of key questions about animals around the world.If you fe …
If you want to try your knowledge on Cosmos, please try this quiz.If you feel there is any error in any question or would like to give us any feedback …
This exam is designed to evaluate the readiness of participants who are interested to aspire for formal ASQ CSSBB or ISCC Green Belt certification pro …
This quiz is designed to evaluate your vocabulary and by going through this quiz if you attempt the wrong answer it will give you an opportunity to co …
[최의섭]존경하고 사랑하는 용산구민 여러분!부족한 저를 과분하게 성원 해 주셔서 감사합니다.저도 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 저는 우리 사랑하는 구민 여러분의 이러한 열화와 같은 성원을 등에 업고 이번 지방선거에서 새누리당 후보를 누르고, 반드시 승리로 보답하겠습니다.저 최의섭 …