My love lock screen is a lock screen having photo with name of your love. Here you can set photo and name of your love to slide to unlock time and als …
Find the nearest bus stop for your selected routes based on your current location for Christchurch bus and ferry services (requires GPS/location servi …
Dette er EBs app til bruk ved innrapportering av RUH og sikker-jobb analyser. Appen er strippet for alle unødvendige funksjoner og knapper for å gjøre …
Die Kanzlei Dr. Bahr informiert im Schwerpunkt Recht der Neuen Medien. Es werden aktuelle Rechts-News und Urteile sowie Podcasts und Vodcasts angebote …
In Android default Message Composer has no facility for adding Signature. This Application is helpful for those person who like to add Signature in Me …
INFO VOLLEY è la prima app sviluppata per consultare le Regole di Gioco, Casistica, Normative Federali, Manuale del Segnapunti e Regolamenti FIPAV. I …