The easiest way to set your wallpaper without mangling your image.Wallpaper Pedant does two simple things:● It tells you the precise size (in pixels) …
- 알람이 울린 후 180초 이내에 알람을 끄지 못한다면 당신이 지정한 사람에게 당신이 설정한 문자가 전송됩니다. - 아침 잠때문에 자주 지각하는 사람이나, 잠때문에 약속에 늦은 사람들에게 추천합니다. - 버튼을 클릭하여 전화번호부에 있는 사용자를 추가하여 지정할 수 …
A simple app for managing your finances and creating shopping lists. Built-in calendar and limits of expenses allow you keep your hands on pulse. With …
The must have app for fans of Nerd³ - Get all your Nerd³ needs in 1 app.Stay up to date with all your Nerd³ tweets with the built-in tweets section wh …
Baby Name Generator will suggest baby names and has the following features:nearly 14,000 names from UK, based on popularityover 23,000 names from US, …
VykeBusiness is the new way to make international calls from your smartphone or tablet while reducing international call charges by over 90%.Call rate …
The voice of the people shall be heard! The Karnataka Pradesh Congress is a party that believes in giving the people, the common men and women of the …