ANDROID ANTI VIRUS - Protects your Android mobile phone or tablet against viruses, malware and spyware. - Easy-to-use - Suitable for any device - Ultr …
Your worries for your phones and tabs ends with free antivirus. You must be aware that your androids are at constant threat from virus, malicious apps …
MA Antivirus is one the product of Mumbai Apps. MA Antivirus provides Mobile Security with free antivirus for Android secures against unwanted phishin …
This is the perfect solution to protect your mobile phone against intrusions, malwares and backdoors.Closing unused ports helps you to keep your batte …
FruitMobile Bluetooth Firewall is the best Bluetooth security app for android. It guards your device from bluetooth hacking & ensures privacy protecti …
This is a fork of the popular application Droidwall that uses iptables to limit data usage and add security to Android. Droidwall was originally creat …