The EUPA was set up in the year 2000, as a Unit within the Ministry of Education, Youth and Employment. On the 4th of May 2007, the Unit was establish …
Mobilní aplikace slouží pro turisty, kteří město navštěvují poprvé a mají díky této unikátní aplikaci možnost poznat krásy města a jeho nejbližšího ok …
Solara calculates celestial transits and aspects using a standard calendar interface.Solara also displays daily moon phases.Solara uses the Swiss Ephe …
Applications using mobile technology represents a new approach to registration and monitoring of working time. Provides all the functionality of conve …
A goodlife! é uma empresa especializada em soluções de descontos, gerindo projectos promocionais para clientes das mais diversas áreas de negócio.Cheg …