臺中慈濟醫院推動「創新X行動醫療~醫真好」App,協助大眾運用網路科技做好自我健康管理,透過App與醫院連線,從掛號、報到、抽血、照X光、即時查詢自己的健康檢查報告,檢驗值出現異常時主動連結相關醫療衛教資訊,隨時做好自我保健,並可連結行事曆裝置功能,提醒用藥時間、回診檢驗,提供貼心服務免費玩台中慈濟 …
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GP Robot Arcade Lite
GP Robot ArcadeThe struggling planet is trapped in an alien invasion.The goal is simple, free the bird from the chain, but the task not always easy!Wi …
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GP Robot Arcade
GP Robot ArcadeThe struggling planet is trapped in an alien invasion.The goal is simple, free the bird from the chain, but the task not always easy!Wi …
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Gp Restaurant Adventure
GP Restaurant AdventureThink you could do a better job than the waitress at that restaurant with the lousy service?✓ PROVE IT!Here, at GP Restaurant, …
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