This is Demo version of the pocket pOS App. You can download this demo app to experience how convenient POS systems can be on your Android phone. To s …
本軟體協助小量販售交易的紀錄與查詢。可先試用免費版無法於 Google Play 採購應用的請參訪請注意:免費版與收費版資料結構不同、分屬二獨立應用;不可直接升級。功能:* Create/mail/delete/view …
SWifis. Wireless Auditor. Scanner, WarDriving & Reaver.The main features are :* Wireless Network Scanner and the access to wireless open networks.* Re …
WiFiReaver. WirelessFileReaver.Inyector automático de claves mediante Diccionario para Redes Wireless.Las funcionalidades principales son el scanner d …
Con esta aplicación podrás obtener la clave de tu router WiFi, siempre y cuando la clave no haya sido modificada. Además, podrás compartir las claves …
A searchable 1,000-year history of the British Crown contained in this one app. Bios of every monarch from Offa & Kenneth I through Elizabeth II; over …
MD5 is a secure hash algorithm. It takes a string as input, and produces a 128-bit number, the hash.SHA-1 produces a 160-bit (20-byte) hash valueSHA-2 …
The Federalist Papers are a series of 85 articles written in support of the new U.S. constitution which replaced the very flawed Articles of Confedera …