光华日报为世界历史最久之民营华文报,立场超然,不偏不倚,亦即维护 国家利益,作为政府桥梁,沟通民意,致力促进全民团结,亲善和谐,故立论不标新立异,保持平稳踏实,庶几无负于读者之期许。 现今推出 光华电子新闻 Android 版,让你享受一机在手,在线阅读新闻的乐趣。 光华电子新闻 is the n …
光华日报为世界历史最久之民营华文报,立场超然,不偏不倚,亦即维护 国家利益,作为政府桥梁,沟通民意,致力促进全民团结,亲善和谐,故立论不标新立异,保持平稳踏实,庶几无负于读者之期许。现今推出 光华电子新闻 Android 版,让你享受一机在手,在线阅读新闻的乐趣。光华电子新闻 is the news …
PediaCalc, a Pediatric Dosing Calculator, is for pharmacist, pediatricians and other medical professions including medical students who need to calcul …
The Pediatric Anesthesia Calculator is an application for anesthesiologists, CRNAs and emergency service personnel who are facing pediatric patients i …
MedCalc 3000 Pediatrics: Your answer for medical calculationMedCalc 3000 has been the most popular and comprehensive Medical Calculator system on the …
Get building with Master Builder! This app sources hundreds of LEGO set building instructions from the www.cubiculus.com database, providing full-scre …
A great game to improve your vocabulary for GRE1500 words specifically chosen for GRE.The objective of the game is to bring the average score from 5.0 …
Vocab Builder is an educational game that quizzes and times you on the spelling of words. It can teach you how to spell new words and what new words a …
Play PowerVocab(TM) which is free and one of the most popular word games to build a strong vocabulary. This mobile word game is also a handy dictionar …