卡巴之旅 Khaba是Hello There AB开发的一个神秘的解谜冒险游戏。迈克尔是一个雄心勃勃的探险家,微弱的一缕阳光,发现自己被困在黑暗金字塔。他在探索卡巴的一座金字塔时不慎掉入了一个漆黑的陷阱中,你需要利用仅有的一缕阳光,将其反射到机关处以开启逃脱之门,游戏有28个耐玩的关卡,数个小时的游 …
LaffMaker - Make hilarious sounds with the best prank app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.. Push a prank button and stand back for the most hilarious …
Opt-6 Products is proud to introduce MathTasks, a revolutionary new comprehensive application that provides simple and quick access to the most common …
Dualism is a fascinating puzzle game about polarity. It features 100 levels ranging from easy to hard, so it's going to take some time until you can p …