Contains weather forecasts, textual forecasts, meteograms and extreme weather warnings.Tip: To see the meteogram, turn your phone to landscape mode wh …
generationONE is a remote tool used to control the generationONE jackpot display. generationONE was designed to support and aid field technicians. Fea …
Unsere leckeren Mittagstisch-Gerichte vereinfachen Ihnen den Alltag! Von Montag bis Freitag bieten wir Ihnen zwei Gerichte und Samstag ein Gericht zur …
Это Португальско-Казахский и Казахско-Португальский Словарь (Cazaque-Português e Português-Cazaque Dicionário). Приложение работает в режиме ОФФЛАЙН и …